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Curriculum Subjects

  /    /  Curriculum Subjects

As a school we offer a broad and balanced curriculum, that has been designed to cover all aspects over a two year period (cycle A refers to 2022/2023 and cycle B refers to 2023/2024). Please click on the PDF files below to see what our current curriculum plans offer.

Brent Knoll Primary Long Term Planning Cycle A

Brent Knoll Primary Long Term Planning Cycle B

Our calculation policy outlines the progression steps for each year group. It also outlines the methods that we use when teaching the children.

The other document outlines the schools, intent, implementation and impact statements.

The following links below are to Numbots and TT Rockstars. Numbots supports children in learning their number bonds and TT Rockstars supports children in learning their times tables.  Each child in our school community has a login, if you require your child’s login then please contact their teacher.

At Brent Knoll school Science is taught weekly. As a school we feel it is important that children have a variety of experiences towards science. Teachers plan engaging lessons that cover the topics as stated in the National Curriculum 2014 document.

Wherever possible we teach science in year groups to ensure that children are able to show progression within the subject.


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