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School Communities

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Brent Knoll Primary School’s New ‘Communities’

From September, we are very excited to be launching our new communities in school. The communities will operate like ‘houses’, in that each child (and every member of staff) will belong to a colour-themed community: blue, red and yellow.

Every term the communities will meet to discuss how they can work together as a team. As teams, they may well compete against each other, such as at sports events, or they will work together for the benefit of the school and the community at large. It is planned that each community will take charge of a term’s fund-raising. Each community will elect leaders, but other roles may also arise, depending on what ideas the children come up with.

We hope that by introducing communities, the children will benefit from being able to contribute more to school life, as well as to the community at large. Community updates will be shared in the school’s weekly newsletter.

Chris Burman

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