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  /  Curriculum

At Brent Knoll Primary, we aim to provide the children with a curriculum that is broad, well balanced and above all stimulates the children to learn.

In addition to acquiring skills and knowledge, we aim to help the children to grow in confidence and maturity so that they can become aspiring, life-long learners who will be successful in the ever-changing world. We aim to provide the children with real life and practical experiences, alongside a wide range of visits, visitors and extra-curricular activities.

The school follows the new National Curriculum, which comprises the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science. There is also a range of what are known as the ‘foundation subjects’ and these comprise History, Geography, Design and Technology, Art and Design, Music, Physical Education (PE) and Computing. The teaching of Religious Education is statutory in all schools and at Brent Knoll Primary we follow the Somerset Agreed Syllabus.

We place much value on our rights and responsibilities as well as British Values. PSHE and Citizenship are integrated into our curriculum to ensure children are prepared for life in modern day Britain. We follow the Jigsaw scheme for this part of our work. The Jigsaw themes also aim to ensure children develop their social and emotional aspects of learning. We similarly have a strong focus on multi-cultural themes, global learning, anti-bullying and, as mentioned, rights and responsibilities, which include a democratic
voting system for the School Council.

Reading and phonics underpin children’s learning when they join Brent Knoll. We use the DfE approved ‘Twinkl’ programme to teach phonics, which is started as soon as the children start their days in EYFS. We use various schemes to support Reading in school as detailed below, but all books from different resource providers are ‘banded’ so it is clear at which level the children are. We encourage parents and carers to support us in their children’s learning and love of reading. A reading diary is given to every child so progress and
comments can be recorded throughout the year.

At Brent Knoll Primary School, we place great emphasis on English and Maths as these underpin many of the other aspects of the taught curriculum. However, the foundation subjects are also very important and the skills and knowledge content of these subjects are taught both discretely as well as in cross-curricular work. We carefully choose our topics so that the children’s engagement in their learning remains strong and eager. We encourage the highest standard of writing wherever it takes place.

Modern foreign languages begin in key stage 1.  We have specialist teachers who ensure our children get the best provision possible in PE and our Music is taught using the Charanga curriculum. We also offer Forest School and a wide range of after school clubs, as well as engage in various competitive sports fixtures.

Teachers are also subject leaders and each one has a role in providing their part in a broad and balanced curriculum in which every subject,
with its own range of skills and knowledge, has an important role to play.

For children who have extra needs or who do not make expected progress, the school works on providing interventions and support wherever it can. The school’s SENDCo works with staff to provide meaningful and efficient provision. Similarly, children who are in receipt of Pupil Premium funding are tracked and supported to ensure they make as good, if not better, progress than their peers. The Local Governing Body, as well as The Wessex Learning Trust, monitors the progress of the vulnerable groups.

When children leave Brent Knoll Primary at the end of Year 6, they should be equipped with the full range of skills that enables them to become successful in the next phase of their learning journey and towards being lifelong learners.

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